From Amongst the Waves limited edition prints for sale


Amongst the Waves is a collection of paintings that are from being in and amongst the sea – well my abstract take on it anyway!  This was painted on 640gms watercolour paper and I’m about to do a limited edition of prints as love the colours and as a print you can have small or a big one or an inbetweeny one, whatever suits! The original was painted with inks using many crazy techniques from throwing, pouring, flicking and blowing.  I can print out on canvas or high quality cotton rag paper.

If you’re interested let me know – cheers Sally


Into the Light for John Butterworth

Into the light JB

Loved painting Into the Light and very pleased that it has a new home in Sydney, Australia – thank you Claudia Sagripanti and John Butterworth.  Into the Light is painted on 640gsm watercolour paper with inks and the light part I’ve used some iridescent inks so it kind of sparkles and shimmers when the light catches it!

Here it Comes sold at auction in support of research to cure cancer

Here It Comes

Very pleased that ‘Here it Comes’ a painting from ‘Amongst the Waves’ collection of art was sold at auction at a function on 8th April – part of the Cure de Tour that cycles and holds fundraising events to support research in helping to find a cure for cancer.  Really chuffed that it sold for $2,000.

Here is Comes is painted with a range of inks on 640gsm watercolour paper and is my abstract take on the tip of a wave as it starts to gain strength on it’s journey to shore.  It was framed in a floating white frame and looks very contemporary.



Snowdrops is 21cms x 56cms and painted on 640gsm watercolour paper.  Painted entirely with watercolour paints as I usually use lots of other mediums but have kept the painting simple.  I was trying to capture snowdrops at St. Elli Parish Church in Llanelli for Dad.  Hope you enjoy – now to find a frame!